A part of PAWAs charter is to undertake projects that improve the professional standards and recognition of PAWA members and to assist our colleagues elsewhere in the world to raise their standards of knowledge and skills so that they are better equipped to undertake their duties as protected area workers. 

Below are briefs for the projects that PAWA is currently undertaking and links (where available) to more detailed information and updates. PAWA is always open to suggestions from members on other ways to fulfill our charter



PAWA Gala Fundraising Night


CLOSED: Saturday 1 July 2023 6:30pm -10:30Pm


On 1 July 2023 the Protected Area Workers Association presented our Gala Night, which was all about celebrating the work of rangers in our Oceania region.

Gardening Australia’s Costa Georgiadis was on the mic with tunes by the legendary Dan Sultan.

Ranger Amanda Dudgeon shared stories from rangers met on her 1500km hiked journey across Oceania. Learn more

All proceeds went to Equip Oceania Rangers, a campaign managed by the Thin Green Line Foundation.


Australian Alps Ranger Relay


CLOSED: 1 November to 11 December 2022

Choose one of 17 legs along the 650km Alps walking track. Consisting of 8 protected area workers from ACT, NSW and VIC in each leg. Starting in Walhalla VIC and finishing at the Namadgi National Park Visitor Centre in Canberra on World Mountain Day Raise money for The Thin Green Line foundation for rangers in developing countries who are suffering from the Covid19 Pandemic.

Register your interest by emailing your representative

ACT | Nick Thorne | nicholas.thorne@act.gov.au

NSW | Sarah Ferguson | sarah.ferguson@environment.nsw.gov.au

VIC | Tegan Dalman | tegan.dalman@parks.vic.gov.au


Equip Tanzania

PAWA is helping to equip community rangers in the transborder Selous - Niassa Wildife Corridor of Tanzania and Mozambique. Since 2010, PAWA has supplied laptops, 1st aid kits, GPS units, digital cameras, batteries and chargers to PAMS for their work in helping to protect the largest elephant, buffalo and sable populations in Africa.

Why we Equip Tanzania

Without the right equipment rangers can’t effectively do their job. Resources are scarce in many African countries which means rangers are left with little more than a rifle and ambition to protect wildlife.

PAWA partners with organisations on the ground to deliver and equip rangers with surplus or superseded fire uniforms, cameras, raincoats, field equipment, first aid kits, GPS units and laptops.

Who we partner with

In 2010 PAWA signed an Agreement of Co-operation with the PAMS Foundation to enhance conservation outcomes within Australia and Tanzania. PAMS Foundation is a not-for-profit conservation organisation founded in 2009 and registered in the USA, Tanzania and Italy. Their mission is to empower those who protect wildlife and wild places. PAMS Foundation works to protect endangered species and environments through strategic educational programs, ranger training and assistance with protected area management. PAMS Foundation works with all levels from school children, farmers, local authorities, higher level government, and international stakeholders.


If you have equipment you can part-with then get in contact with us. What we value is small, light, high value goods that are easy to package and send overseas.

Apart from those already listed, you might have 2 way radios, tents, binoculars, satellite phones, trail cameras, compasses and tablets.

Of course funding is the most important gift. With funds, PAMS Foundation is able to locally purchase bulkier items from their wish list like aviation fuel, vehicles, bicycles, solar panels, etc.


Game Scouts receiving donated equipment (courtesy PAMS Foundation)


World Ranger Congress 2019


World Ranger Congress 2016 delegation – Estes Park, Colorado, USA (courtesy IRF)

PAWA assisted in making the World Ranger Congress happen by providing inkind strategic operational and organisational support to the IRF and Nepalese Rangers.

We also assisted to raise funds to send rangers from less fortunate circumstances to attend the conference.

The 9th World Ranger Congress was held in the village of Sauraha (on the border of Chitwan National Park), Nepal from 11th-17th November 2019.

The World Ranger Congress is an initiative of the International Ranger Federation (IRF). It brings together Rangers from all over the world, giving them the opportunity to learn new skills, share knowledge and create partnerships. It occurs every three years in a different location, allowing host countries from each IRF region to raise the profile of Rangers locally and internationally. It allows them to showcase their successes, to identify how they’re addressing their regional challenges and share their knowledge and skills with colleagues from around the world.


Fallen Ranger Fund

The Fallen Ranger Fund is a joint IRF - IUCN initiative, and supported by the Thin Green Line Foundation, to raise funds for the families of those Rangers who are killed or permanently injured whist carrying out their duties as protected area workers. The Fund is specifically assisting those families from nations that have no mechanism for compensation or security following the death or permanent injury of a Ranger.

PAWA has undertaken to hold at least one event annually where all funds raised will go exclusively to the Fallen Ranger Fund. One event will be held on World Ranger Day, the 31st of July, each year.