Become a Member

Members are our lifeblood, there are several membership options. If you are, or have been, employed in an operational field position or are employed to supervise or support operational positions in NSW or the ACT then you are eligible to become a full member of PAWA. There are also associate membership options for people interested in the what we are doing but who are not employed as protected area workers.


Support a Campaign

A part of PAWAs charter is to undertake projects that improve the professional standards and recognition of PAWA members and to assist our colleagues elsewhere in the world to raise their standards of knowledge and skills so that they are better equipped to undertake their duties as protected area workers.


Join the committee

PAWA has a small but dedicated committee consisting of currently serving and retired rangers and staff from NSW and the ACT. Our committee meets in person twice a year and when needed via Tele-conference.

At each Annual General Meeting half of the committee members will be elected, with the remaining half to be elected the following year. Each committee member holds their position for a period of two years.

If you are a PAWA member and you are interested in joining our committee please shoot us an email.