Expressions of interest to attend the IRF World Ranger Congress
PAWA is working with NPWS to send four staff members to attend the IRF World Ranger Congress held in Nepal from 12th to 16th November 2019.
NPWS is seeking expressions of interest from all NPWS staff to attend the Congress. In total, four staff will be supported by the agency:
Two NPWS Aboriginal identified field staff or rangers to represent NPWS and to learn and share protected area information and stories from around the world.
One NPWS Aboriginal Network representative to attend the congress as a keynote speaker to talk about Aboriginal involvement in national parks and reserves in NSW
One NPWS representative to assist with a post-congress fire training workshop and to give a presentation at the congress on support for gender equality in fire management roles in NPWS
The themes of the 2019 congress include Communities, Indigenous Rangers and Female Rangers. The Nepal congress is the first time the event has been held in Asia and will be held in the village of Sauraha, next to World Heritage listed Chitwan National Park. The triennial congress aims to strengthen international ties between protected area staff and provide avenues for continued aid and assistance between ranger associations around the world. As long as you work for NPWS and are involved in natural and/or cultural heritage management you can apply for this great opportunity.
The successful applicants will be sponsored for international travel costs to and from the Congress, congress registration fees, visa on arrival in Nepal, local transport, meals and accommodation while in Nepal. Note that attendance is still subject to final overseas travel approval by the Minister.
If you are interested in applying to attend the congress, please send an Expression of Interest (one-two pages maximum) to Sarah Nalder.
Your EOI should address these questions:
Please outline your reasons for wanting to attend the congress
Explain what you want to achieve from participating in the congress
Describe your technical/professional skills and experience that will make you a great ambassador for NSW NPWS.
Further Information
All applications will be confidential. Please send to Sarah Nalder by Friday 17 May 2019.
For further information please contact Sarah Nalder on 02 4908 6846 or visit